Monday, October 10, 2005

Revenge of the Monday Issue

It is with great privilege that I return to you, the devoted readers, to provide the lastest Monday Issue. The difficulty in keeping this, "old legend" of a, site is that having wide spaced members makes it difficult to write something of interest to everyone. But no doubt I'll plough on and pray or the best. Please note that i wouldn't say no to any scandal in your neck-of-the-woods despite how unrelated to anyone else it is, thankyou. Anyhoo "to the scandal!" I hear they cry...

The Pink Friday Went with a blast, many people contributed and they made lots of money for charity, I must say however that the majoritory of the money was made through the sale of pink wristbands, opposed to the wearing of pink shirts by the sixth form. The organisers took it upon themselve to take the school rules into their own hands and wear pink ties aswell as their pink shirts.

I was most unortunate to experience the closure of the *Nobel Room on Thursday and Friday of last week (*the "Common Room" has subsequently been renamed by one Mr. Hardy with the excuse that, " I'm no commoner!") The reason for this closure is that during a fire drill on the Thursday morning before morning break, according to the catering staff, up to forty sandwiches and flapjacks were "stolen" from the Dining Hall. This was no doubt the fault of the people who go into lunch early to pick up sandwiches etc., because they do sport over the lunch break. Being lazy they could not be bothered to que again for their lunch and merely walked straight through picked up some food and walked out. the worst thing about this charade, apart from the over reaction from the catering staff, was that the Nobel Room was shut for two days despite the year11s being responsible too. Also on a side note I personally was rather peed off because I have the whole of the morning off on the Friday, the labary I must say was a delight to spend three hours in.

So far this week I have nearly expeienced a test in every subject twice over for the upcomming half-termly report cards despite them being useless at the moment as we have barely learned four pages of notes from each teacher. The lower sixth has also been promised that we will be provided with a predicted grade by using complicated equations and taking in different and sometimes random data to formulate and answer.

And with a final note...
!!Happy Holocene!!


Scandal Press Editor in Chief said...

thankyou little bro
sounds like all the latest 6th form are a load of fools, don't forget to start a vendetta against mr jolley and if it gets called the noble room again i suggest you take mr hardy and kick him hard for being stuck up and an aristocratical b**tard

chris said...

Of course they are fools, the current year 13 are full of complete and utter knobheads who deserve shooting! I can't wait to see what crazy ideas mr jolley comes up with next, and hopefully people will at least take the piss out of him!

clarkey said...

Your sixth form will never compare to last years year 13, we were gods amongst men. Now all the interesting people have left, you have to put up with Jolly! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!

Scandal Press Editor in Chief said...

erm i have that unfortunate honour as does my bro and inevitably emery

Adriana said...

yeah sry emery allready tolled me his e-mail address which was what I really wanted to know but why do you say "unfortunate honour"? he really that bad? I heard he's a geek from two people but that doesn't have to be bad surely? see I'm going to have the honour (wether unfortunate or not I dont know yet) of having him in my house and being in his cus he's my exchange partner.

Scotty said...

First up...bravo Mr Bolton reporter, fresh on the scene there to produce a fine edition for the second week in a row! Interesting to hear how the ol' school is going so I shall leave it to you to do the honours. Mention anything, however trivial it may be. Always worth a laugh or jest!

Second up...what's wrong with Jolley? I mean he's only a stark raving, happy go lucky Fascist, as Mr Morton liked to put it? He's all harmless isn't he? I'll leave that one open-ended! year can compare to ours indeed but it seems like with us when we entered lower sixth, the present lot are actually maturer than the year above!


Harsh Reality said...

Rufus is one who practically controls the school network.
he knows every thing there is to know about computers.

clarkey said...

so he could be Box's long lost brother then.
Jolly is a complete and utter twat. How can anyone make him the figurehead for the school? Jack was great as an example, you want a guy like him as your representative, not that dipshit. All those years work trying to get rid of the "geek" label on our school and all is undone.

Scotty said...

I can only echo those sentiments expressed by our larger than life cool as ice figure, who was too big to ever become a monitor and thus rebelled throughout his school career! Hang on, Kyle didn't comment!

Nah, James you have some sense of truth in there but we're no longer going to see that cookie crumble as those cookies were all stolen by the year 11 morning crew!

chris said...

yeah you are the ONLY person in the world who doesn't know him. Makes ya feel bad don't it.... Adri will be coming mid May i believe.

Scandal Press Editor in Chief said...

its probably best not to know mr jolley, he is a pain and does not deserve his rank, i call for a vote of no confidence on his behalf and may he be challenged to a duel by someone with more charisma and an actual life, unlike mr jolley who doesn't know how to behhave properly or treat his equals right, although anyone who's equal to him better sort themselves out fast as they're going on a steep downward curve towards a sticky end (hopefully). If you do actually know jolley, then you will also know he bribed his way into headboy-ship and this proves he's a low bastard who has the morals of an amoralist (yay Philosophy!)

Harsh Reality said...

Kat, you're correct in thinking that Rufus' dad works in the girls division.

The disppointment this year about Mr. Jolleys take over as HB, is that he is one who manipulated the mind of the recent HM to basically reshape what the requirements for being HB were. The appalling fact is that none of the schoolcaptains are epesially tall and therfore are neither imposing or a pillar of strenght within the school (note that all of them could easily look about 14yrs old).

the rumour was that the position was going to be Mr. Edd Scott. A sporty (in water polo) and riddiculously tall (reluctant as i am to say this he is also good looking in a sense)

Scandal Press Editor in Chief said...

seeing as mr jolley is a clearly live by no book person i challenge him to a duel which he will not hear about and in which case i can shoot him in the back from 3 yards