Monday, December 05, 2005

Back Again With Another Round Of Scandal

t is with great sadness that I must report the death of Tom Sunter, elder brother on Jack Sunter and free-lance Outdoor Pursuits Instructor. He drowned, over the weekend, while Kayaking in rapids and unfortunately got stuck upside down in rocks.

hat's it! I know why no-one is commenting on this much anymore. I need a broader spectrum of scandal, I tell you what I'll write some lie... errm I mean Scandal on everyone. That means you get a couple of sentences on each of you (well not everyone 'cos then it gets too long). Well, read on...

r. Shepley has become increasingly illusive, theories are that he began concentrating so hard on engineering that he himself has become a RSJ (big iron girder). Or that he has joined the southern front and is convinced Scotland is the only place north of the Southern Boarders.

gony aunt gone wrong may not actually exist. Yes it may be true! Popular belief believes that "she" is actualy a computer. As it seems that comments don't stop day or night. The Office is sure that, with a little background research, a human cannot stay awake long enough to keep the comments flowing with such fluidicity.

iss Paddon (a.k.a. moonbeam) , on a personal note, blabbers incessantly about totally the wrong motion in Lit. & Deb. Avoiding the whole discussion is not the point of such a meeting. Trying to rubbish the comments people are making doesn't work all of the time. Especially when they are talking about how religion and the Iraq war are linked, when it should have been focusing on the problems religion causes in general.

cotty this week was arrested by the FBI while on one of his daily excursions to the USA. It is unknown as to whether or not he has been released, as the investigation bureau refuses to admitt that he was under their custody. Keep a look out folks!

The Scandal Press Editor in Chief is believed to have frozen to his radiator as they are only fueled by running the pipe on the outside of the building. His laptop has frozen up, as the fan cooling system erupted with warm air that condensed and froze once within contact with the Siberian style air.

For those I have missed: you'll get a paragraph if you comment more or prove to me that there's a chance of rustling up some Scandal on yourself.


Harsh Reality


clarkey said...

I'm a walking Talking Scandal baby!

Adriana said...


Harsh Reality said...

A valid excuse Clarkey, I'l; see what I can do.

Scotty said...

I have been captured and then set free after great discussion about my importance to which the authorities found me to be useless in their scheming against the, what has been learnt, Scandal office. It appears jealously and need to compete against this organisation has boiled over. Some unknown people want to cripple this site but we say NEVER!

President (in the wild!)

p.s. deeply sad to hear about the passing of the Patterdale instructor - they are all legends in our eyes.

Adriana said...

dont worry about the office in question ;) personal conections to them should keep us well out of trouble yet! (yes, computers really are able to hack into everything ;) )

clarkey said...

i'm worried by the current round of Scandal, it has little/no case in reality. We want cold hard factual Scandal!!!!
This Christmas should provide some good Scandal with any luck.

Harsh Reality said...

Whoo Hoo! Six and a half days of school left.

Scandal Press Editor in Chief said...

damn right motherfucker

Adriana said...

FOUL!!! what DOOOO you think you are doing Mr retired scandal press editor in chief?????!!!!! How DARE you take such foul language into your mouth!!! **shaking head** same on you!!! **quickly adds him to the list of people I'm going to have a talking to when I'm in england**
your, very watchfull,
agony aunt gone wrong

Harsh Reality said...

That boy has just let himself go recently. If I had the money he's getting, goodness knows what I'd do with it, but one thing is not to spend over half of it in a month.

Scandal Press Editor in Chief said...

yee haaa
i love alcohol and partying
no chance of slowing me down anymore.... only ive run owt of money
good luck finding me, agony aunt, Mwahahaaaa

Paul said...

The girder can indeed speak!

I'm proud to report I do NOT have a southern accent, after being confirmed by my family and others. In addition, after 10 weeks without a haircut, I looke like a member of The Beatles. (Others have said Harry Potter, but none have survived the aftermath)

Oh, and concentration is not the way I'd describe my current state of working. I haven't done anything constructive for over a week now!

Good to see The Scandal Press in action. And Lit and Deb is about talking off the subject for as long as possible without getting interrupted. It's a rare skill.

Scandal Press Editor in Chief said...

wheres the monday issue mr reality

Harsh Reality said...

Gimmie 45 mintutes

Scotty said...

That was one long 45 minutes's Thursday now. I'm not good at remembering the days of the week, but I always know when it's a Saturday!

yours randomly