Thursday, July 28, 2005

Quick Update

With members of the Scandal Press team being on holiday and such, the Monday Issue has been delayed from the 25th July and will recommence hopefully this Monday coming up. This is simply a temporary notice but if you have any news to report which you deem scandalous, then simply e-mail them to the, and the Chief will give it a mention if it's considered good enough...get typing and for now, good-bye!


Adriana said...

something scanales:
the people here didn't/dont think that the name Adri or Addy or adriana fit to me ...or at least apparently they dont for they've given me yet another name to add to the list **roles eyes** I probably have more names than anyone else! shesh
well this one isn't one of the nicest ones
it's 'terry which is short for Terisa which is short for ...well I'm sure some of you will figure it out now but really I dont think it fits!
you know, I COULD be mean if I wanted, right? **picks up a spider and carries it outside so as not to need to kill it andyet not need to be in the same room with it** ;p

got to go!
I have an exhibition I need to get to before it oppens! (mine!!!!!!!!!!)
**HUGE smile**
can anyone believe this? I'm in paris and my stuff is in a shooow!

chris said...


Miss A Ferrari, on a trip to Ireland, got very drunk and started to confess to the first person she could find that she fancied them. I was the "lucky" one :P Although with the standard of her typing(much worse than usual) she may have been misunderstood

Scotty said...

Ok, nice attempts at scandals there people, but where's the Monday issue? Sorry guys but the sole employee is unable to gain 24 hour access to his own PC and therefore can't type anymore updates for now...shame but I doubt I'll be missed if there are loads of irish lads around, eh Adri! Ahhh to be sure, to be sure...

Sole employee of the SP

Adriana said...

what do you mean "nice attempts at scandals"?!!!! :O my being drunk and admitting to a secret crush on paddon isn't scandalises enough for you?!!! Damn! I was hopping to hit the front page!!! I even had a photo all ready that I would have sold to the next person who asked me!!!!!! Grrrrrrand it was a good one at that!!!! a picture of me with a dreamy face with hearts coming out of my head and in one big heart was then a cut up and somewhat changed picture of paddonn!!!!! ;p

nah ok but I guess I can forget that now that the king (i.e. scotty) made it clear that that wasn't enough I'll now try to give a bit of reason to my silly (and not even scandalous) behaviour. ready? the keyboards in ireland are different than the ones in germany so I was having a bit of trouble finding out where everything is. seeing as we are talking about the conversation I had with paddon I think it's understandable that I just left what ever showed up on the screan and didn't waste time looking for the correct key. so as always (yes he's done it quite a few times before) he accused me of being drunk. instead of wasting even more time fighting that accusation I thought it would be moe fun to play along and just tell him my **chough** true **chough** feelings for him ;p there we go. end of story

....noooowww about the guys in ireland **grin** hehe ahhh yes indeed laura some of them were very fit but I think the fact I liked a bit more than their looks were thier openness to buying me drinks(I SWEAR I wasn't drunk oooorrr flirting ...that much)and to just generally having a good time. lol a group of guys bought my mum and I dinner with out even telling us we only found out when we went to go pay AND they were entertaining us the whole time gosh we laughed so much I swear they were like stand-up comedians ...not as good as scotty mind you ;p

that should be a long enough comment. I hope it is cus that's all I'm leaving for a while.

P.S. give it you're all, use your luck (someone give me some luck and some brains) and we can go to trinity together, laura.

Adriana said...

ooo I dono. aussis? nahh I've not met one that I can take seriously I dono ....the ones I've met have all not seamed as though they were the brightest and I simply can't stand that but are you sure you wana talk about lads, while for all I know most people who acctualy look into this and more over read it are lads? or is this more just to provoke a raktion from someone? if so then pleas, do tell me who you want a reaction from (gosh am I more than curious). sry bout my upfrontness, bad habit of mine

Adriana said...

truthfully, if a nationality really were to say anything about a person then I'd probably hate myself.