Thursday, September 14, 2006

Back To Business

Dear One, All, and Everyone,
It is now the start of a new academic year and we are now all either going back to university, starting university or going back to college/school. So good luck to all you A-Level Students in the latest yeasr of hell when it comes to exams and please remember to complete your UCAS forms on time, it really is a pain if you don't! (Tribute to Scotty "Stop patronising me!" lol)
to all you plebs, of which i aren't one anymore, good look adjusting to uni life, dont get an overdraft! (it only leads to trouble) and remember alcohol and pro-plus is your friend when used responsibly. i don't condone the use of narcotics (who am i kidding, go get stoned at least once).
i sit here in my newly furnished room having a very boring time, soon to be solved by the arrival of more people in the penthouse. Living on a shoestring with no student loan in sight (oh well, no worries eh?).
Peace out, and have fun in the oncoming year,
looking forward to the arrival of all you budding visitors,
The Scandal Press Editor-in-Chief.


Harsh Reality said...

Blah blah blah A level is harder blah blah blah fill out UCAS blah blah blah get good grades blah blah blah get into university blah blah blah.

I honestly wish teachers would try to keep the magic of education alive!!

Scandal Press Editor in Chief said...

no there's only me Mr. Reality, teachers are non entities

Scotty said...

Ah ha! Scandal still looms and here is the one I have to share with you uni peeps, many of whom may already be aware of...the student loan companies sucks spherical objects which hang between a male gorillas' legs! (creative eh?) I haven't got mine through yet and now I have activated it, I am not holding out much hope it'll arrive any time soon! Yep shoe string indeed but I must say (well type really) you almost used a cunning play on words there Mr Chief Editor with the overdraft leads to about LEEDS to problems!!!

On that bombshell...(check out my own blogger soon dudes/dudettes)

Scotty said...

RICK! Were you aware you live in the most botancially picturesque place in Britain?

Four years after the author Martin Amis outraged the people of Aberdeen by referring to their city as "one of the darkest places imaginable - like Iceland", the granite city has proved the writer wrong by being crowned this year's Britain in Bloom winner.

Source: Independent News online