Monday, November 28, 2005

The Monday Issue... is here!

I return once again to entertain the far and wide readers of the Scandal Press. As with the highly increased interest with this site I can feel a new lease of life in regard to Scandal, so without further ado.

Just incase the news hasn't reached you yet james diyed his hair. The fallowing is an exclusive intervew the agony aunt gone wrong had with him last friday (25.11.05)

Dare me sagt:what's the exact colour look like?
Anyone back in Bolton This Weekend? sagt:sort of a redy/purple
Dare me sagt:did you die it yourself?
Anyone back in Bolton This Weekend? sagt:Kim (one of my flatmates) did it for me[...]
Dare me sagt:o right when did you die it?
Anyone back in Bolton This Weekend? sagt:tuesday

The Scandal Press office await the photos of conformation on this subject and frankly I just can't wait, so that I can find out how many hahaha's I can fit in the comments box. (Although I can't imagine I'd be able to type anything through the paralysing laughter).

Also using an undisclosed reporter, words reach the office that one Mr. Paul is picking up the southern accent faster than any sane person should be allowed. Intellect has made him absorb not only excessive knowledge, but also the local "North of Watford" accent.

The annual year 12 trip to Patterdale Hall for business dynamics began last Wednesday, with the first lot of lads going north for a relative waste of time (I'm going today). For the most laughable offence two of our year got sent home the morning after the first night. The bets were running with various offences including; drunken, drunk in the morning, taking alcohol, fighting, stealing or smoking. One of the listed is correct, but it's just pitiful. A source tells me they we caught stealing sweets off one of the business dynamics leaders. It sounded like he gave them out , but in this case they just tok 'em. Thiefing little idiots.

Anyhoo that's that until next week (, well maybe).

In the words of Bruce Lee (from Enter the Dragon):
"It's like a finger pointing at the moon... don't! concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory before you."


Scotty said...

Fantastic in sight and in depth interview from our very own Agony Aunt gone Wrong! How did you manage to scoop that scandal so easily? Did the named Clarkey give you the information you wanted just freely or voluntarily? I can be the first to report here that the man in question has his hair in it's "normal state" if you can call it that but a this SP reporter has learned that he may be morphing into a Harry Potter look-a-like...

I'll keep you posted!

clarkey said...

the colour just ain't all that noticable, although for my next colour i'm thinking a very festive Flame Red!

Harry Potter Moi?

Harsh Reality said...

Note the first paragraph, "... highly increased interest in this site."

PS. I got through to the next round of the business project competition.

Harsh Reality said...

btw Willkommen Wilko

Adriana said...

congrads for getting through to the next round sexy pete (hehehe truely a fab. name ;p )

awwww scotty you're flattering me again the intervew was nothing. though I must admitt it sure was a challenge tofoce him to tell me about the details. I can't immagin what the scandal press agent had to do to gather the information on paul's accent!!! that one must have been hard!! I guess it also explains him not posting here probably doesn't want anyone to think it's true. best not say anything, ey?

looking forward to the next scandal press!
agaony aunt gone wrong