The Monday Issue for Those Who Wish to Read
Welcome back to another Monday Issue..
Last Friday lead to another year of remembering those who suffered and fought during the second world war. Meaning less and boring as it can sometimes be, the school halted for a couple of minutes. Unfortunately this week I have had to take the Philosopher Hobbes' dim view of human life to heart, therefore I sometimes fail to see the importance of remembering something which I personally cannot connect with. Yeah, yeah... I know all this blurrb about the fact that Britain would be a Facist Nation if men hadn't fought, but to be honest I DON'T CARE much.
I need to know what other people think of this please tell me your view, thanks.
On a lighter note, the picture above, if you can't quite read it, is of a piece of English homework done by one Mr. Clark for Miss Adriana(a.k.a. agony aunt gone wrong). Mr. Clark failed the homework quite miserably. The red markings are to indicate everything that is wrong according to th English Lehrer/Lehrerin in germany. One thing that is for sure is that the minds of German students are being corrupted by substandard English teachers. Despite how dificult it was to read what exactly Mr.C is sometimes on about he is ultimately always correct with the English language.
My goodness, the marker of that piece is a fool! Firstly, the phrases "distortion of the truth" "information overload" make perfect sense to a native reader. The word media, although plural in some foreign languages, is a singular concept and thus that should still be 'had', not 'have'.
How dare someone correct you and then question you for "mistakes" which have no errors in them!
Scandalous indeed.
On the subject of Rememberance day - well picked up on. I think there is room for debate about its relevance but for any generation it should remain important as a reminder to mankind that such actions should never happen again.
I WANT MY A!!! I was cheated just because the teacher was a retard!
As far as rememberence day goes i must disagree, it may be hard to connect with such events but it is something that should never be forgotten. The shear scale of the loss of life is unimaginable and it only takes a visit to the deserted beaches of Normandy to grasp what a horrible reality war is. Those men gave their lives in combat and may we never forget that. No matter how much time has passed, we owe them a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid.
Maybe it's just that I can not connect with anyone who took part in the fighting. None of the Thornley clan ever made it to war, so that's my excuse for my ignorance.
Don't forget to visit http://richardthornley.blogspot.com
sorry i'm bored and hardly anyone posts there anymore
the boys div had some silence? i think its good, even though it was a long time ago i think it's still important to remember thoese who fought in that war. but i'd just like to say the girls div never has a minutes silence and i think it's disgraceful! congrats to the boys div for doing this though!
aberdeen uni did a minutes silence so nyer. oh btw do you catch mumps if you've had the jab and you get off with someone who has mumps.
actually no it says that the vaccine works so yay
you should be able to trust your girl friend you know!!!
Rick i've told you before, STOP THE CURB CRAWLING!
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