Dear one and all,
I bring you joyous news that now i have finally discovered video editing the Scandal Press is spreading to streaming video via UTube (you has been removed for illegal reasons). Some folk may remember the party at our esteemable Presidents residence in Bridge of the Ladies (makes it sound more affluent doesn't it?). At this party was a poly-logue (?) on candid camera of the aptly named Tequila episodes or Tequila Mockingbird, this was reported on in a previous Scandal Press (edition ep123fd), now it has come to the worlds attentions through the media of video. The clip, named Tequila Mockingbird, is viewable on that thing online, er whatsit-ma-jig. It is a beta version due to the fact that our media departement does not yet have all the clips to create a full episode quite yet, this will be soon to follow as and when our President releases the Tequila Dossier of all the clips.
Also we send out our condolences to Miss A.Ferrari, who recently had her tonsils out and is currently in a vegetative state in her new flat in Bonn on medication that includes Codeine, a drug she believes to be illegal in Germany. She had a dellusional rant at me on on earlymorning/late night perusal of MSN Messenger about male pregnancy and asked our Senior Editor-in-Chief to consider doing so. Sadly he declined but said he would do his part in making more people pregnant.
For now at least,
Scandal Press Senior Editor-in-Chief
p.s. thankyou to all our aberdeen subscribers, I much enjoy our rants in the street
To see my full repertoire of videos and editing marvelous-ness search for thornley1987 on youtube
out now: the amazing spider-hamster
You didn't know Addy was already on drugs? Good heavens, she has been taking a banished drug called EP/IP as it is known on the local market for sometime now and she has a problem for all things cold...
Maybe she has lizard blood now, who knows?? :P
Allow me to quote "he (the Scandal Press Chief) would do his part in making more people pregnant."
You're doing that for a good cause aren't you Chief??
Tequila monologues to come but it will have to wait until next month I am afraid (I hope this doesn't compromise my huge pay rise over the last 7 months).
Foreign Correspondant and Prez
I was mearly suggesting that a pregnant belly would go allong well with Rick's ex-beard. And I said that I'd even give him my red coat for the cause. Wala! a more than perfect santa, I think. This and my tonsilectemy is more than reason enough for our to-be santa to give me a present!
IP IP? anyone want some? anyone got any? mine is pure as can be, I can tell you that. True blue! I've been using up a lot of IP in the last few days. My lizzard skin must not be quite intact because my neck got rather cold. In those moments I resorted to taking my other favorit drug...ICE(Scream).
For all who are truly conserned though (so I guess everyone can stop reading right here and now :p ) I am a lot better and haven't taken any meds for a few days now. I also sadly didn't miss a minuet of school and am booring myself to death. ...or rather I am being boorded (me speak good english) by my teachers and school, not only that but some chemistry 'genius'(saarcasem) thought it would be a wonderful prank to stray butyric acid all over the school. As though school didn't stink enough!
p.s. codine mixed with more than 2,5% of another pain med and perceding 100 mg of pure codine is not sold in germany.... according to vikipedia (... or something that sounds like that at least). So no, I wouldn't have been able to have such a powerful dose in germany... I guess they would have just given me morphine straight away ;p
p.p.s. does this have anything to do with your being in Aberdeen, rick?
judging people's attitudes to relationships by thier faces... kind of makes you want to walk around with a bag over your head, doesn't it? :p
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