News just into the SP headquarters: a young man with an inane and infective grin was spotted recently on billboards nationwide in the land of the Deutsche in what has claimed to be a promotion of a social day this coming Thursday. Although the cheeky-faced youngster failed to provide us with any explanation, we here at the Scandal Press believe him to be the long lost brother of our beloved blonde haired climber, Emery, but reports are yet to be confirmed. One suspects, in the age of high-tech scientific engineering, that Emery was experimented on and bore an identical clone who ran away, perhaps in search of a kick-ass beer by the name of Kölsch. One thing is for sure, the match is uncanny but we await the response from the man himself in the near future, perhaps to tell us whether he too will be acting all environmentally friendly by planting a tree for the occasion.
President of the SP
a social day on the day of my arrival?? they know i'm cominng then, but really they needn't have gone to all that trouble on my account.
hooooooooooooott if only it were emery in a bikini!! *sigh*
"a social day on the day of my arrival?? they know i'm cominng then, but really they needn't have gone to all that trouble on my account."
too true. we'll take it all back then ;p *giggles*
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