Monday, January 09, 2006

Monday Issue Milestone Met

APPY NEW YEAR Scandal Team! Those involved deserve a well earned pat on the back partly for your persistance and partly for your loyalty. KEEP COMMENTING :-)

ecause of my absence I unfortunately failed to pick up much scandal so the best I can do is to tell the amusing presents I managed to posess and what happened in sunny California.

ast year I managed to become upon a box containing eight blocks of chalk for climbing. As every climber knows the best chalk comes in a finely meshed bag called a chalk ball, unfortunately my grandma interperated the christmas list differently and now I am laidened with loose chalk that is too big to fit in my chalk bag. A self-induced present. The rest of my loot incuded an automatic card shuffler, two head torches, too many clothes that I'd actually care for and this magnetic sudoku so that I can do puzzles where ever I am. Ofcourse I'd never trade these presents for anything else as I expect everyone-else would.

n to New Year's Eve, the "Climbing Twelve" celebrated New Year on a minor hillock overlooking our camp, listening to other people celebrating the different time zones through every hour (the UK one having been at 4:00pm LA time) until at 00:00 LA time we popped the corks of our Californian Champagne and drank copiously. My first New Year away from England. And yes we did drink Alcohol despite the fact that both those drinking and Dave (who bought it) would be arrested if caught. Probably the most fun New Year I've ever had and would recomend.

Scandal Lives

Harsh Reality


Scotty said...

Awesome...that sounds so great it's hard to really comprehend...

An automatic card shuffler would be a genius tool of the trade, I've got to get me one of those!

Nice post, good to hear you had a great time in California (lucky buggars etc.) and even though you drank illegally, it was all in the name of wreckless fun I hope!

Scandal will be coming, it just depends on whether one of us decides to go crazy any time soon!

clarkey said...

It was good Champagne (although not technically champagne (not from the champagne region of France)) But anyhow it did succeed in it's task on getting us merry, including myself who drank 2 bottles of the stuff.
We also that night had a cool chat with some slightly odd but equally Bush hating Americans.
Joshua is climbers heaven and possibly the biggest playground on Earth, although a word of advice when Pete says there is a way down off a rock when scrambling up it don't ever believe him. As we all don't all possess his balance or lack of regard for personal safety.

Harsh Reality said...

American climbers say: " Go to BISHOP!"
(somewhere in north California)

Scandal Press Editor in Chief said...

and there was i thinking that clarkey was suicidal. turns out he isn't after all

Scandal Press Editor in Chief said...

boooo hallooooo from sunny scotland

Adriana said...

"Scandal will be coming, it just depends on whether one of us decides to go crazy any time soon!"I though we all were crazy and that scandal only depended on the journalists to get to the good stuff? Well seeing as I'm a good one I have something .... but I'm not going to teeeell! **sticks out tonuge and then quickly vanished before someone can complain** **halo** ,p

clarkey said...

i have a few screws loose but suicidal not quite. Although i'm confident one day i'll find a way of killing myself climbing.

Scotty said...

Speaking of the climbing sexy beast - Happy Birthday Emery!!!

If anyone can make it, celebrations for the blond haired mad man will take place this Saturday so get in touch!

Adriana said...

**tries to touch you** sorry scotty. I seam to not be able to

Scandal Press Editor in Chief said...

**tries reaching all the way to manchester...fails to reach beyond PC screen**

Adriana said...

cooppyy cat! **stikes out tonuge** ;p

Scotty said...

Well Rick, whenever I get the chance and money, I'd love to come up to Aberdeen and see you! But you're always invited to come to Manchester whenever you like for meet-up...otherwise enjoy UNI!

Oh....something scandalous...the new German assistant you guys have rocks, according to Andy and does seem quite funny.

"Hey, what drink do you want?...
(To Andy) Oh it's a bit slow you know, he's French"