Monday, October 17, 2005


The week goes by and it seems to be realatively boring and inanimated, yet it always seems that the three days before the Mornday Issue is posted the week pulls through and provides quality at the last moment. Firstly i would like to thank those who helped to contribute to this weeks issue by sending forth valuable scandal that I may use. It is a great pleasure to receive such mail once in a while and even then get to use it. So I believe it to be the best idea to begin with our freelance reporters.

I will leave the reders to make what they will of this piece, but thanks again:
today, monday, a certain, infamous chris paddon was fairly drunk after drinking "
ich liebee dich so Nadia!!! mein schatzi!!! (l) (k) DAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanke!!!
(8) Vindicated, I am selfish, I am wrong, I am right, I swear I'm right, Swear I knew it all along, And I am flawed (8)
how much did you drink?
(8) Vindicated, I am selfish, I am wrong, I am right, I swear I'm right, Swear I knew it all along, And I am flawed (8)
ich liebee dich so Nadia!!! mein schatzi!!! (l) (k) DAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanke!!!
4, but i drank 3 of them quickly and i downed one of them"
he was said to have been with a girl when he got this drunk but pleas don't mention my name as the informant ;P
It is with great pleasure that our far and wide freelance reporters come up with quality such like this.

Last Friday laid claim to the long and varied history of Bolton School with the beginning of the School house championship. For those who are unaccustomed to this event it is a whole day devoted to winning events to gain points for your House. The pupils are split into four Houses, (blackburn, chorley, wigan and Manchester) and go about acts of physical strength or intellectual challanges. The more events your house wins the more points they gain and therefore they aim to win, each House Day happens once a term giving Houses time to claw back spectacular victories. For those who don't use my MSN address will not know of my courageous personal win of the climbing competition. Beating, under competition rules, both Andrew Emery and Tom Gibson, both considered the best climbers in the school, at the fewest number of holds to go around the wall (fifteen I believe) which all three of us drew on. Only for me to win with the knock out swift timed traverse of the wall. The rest of House Day was much of a blur, but one thing got through was that the taller (in a sense of the word) new Chinese lad is especially good at basket ball, but was slightly annoyed by the roughness at which Bolton lads play. House Day, however, was not all fun and games. Thanks to that one day of fun and due to the premature ending of school for half-term (on a thursday), one Mr. Y(name removed for leagal reasons, but the initial is however accurate ) of the Chemistry Department has taken it upon himself to give the whole class two extra lessons over lunchtime, because of us missing two of his doudle sessions. Unfortunately this will be on a Thursday which is not only a full day for me, but also the lunchtime lesson clashes horribly with climbing club, so which one comes first is for anyone to decide.

A further reason for the House Day taking place on a Friday was so that it would give the organisers of Open Day, on the Saturday after, a free reign of the school to set it up. This however left the Learning Centre abandoned by one Mr. H allowing me and six others to play seven man Bomberman over the school network, As far as heard over the stewards Walkie Talkies everything went fine, even though the previous year when the Boy's Division had a Open Day there was only a couple of parking spaces left in the school car parks and this year they had the Girl's Division doing this at the same time. One thing I did pick up over the radio was that the school had trouble from one disgrunteled neighbour who was complaining about a parent blocking him in.

With many thanks
I must leave you unfortunately for a week as I am jetting off to Scotland for half-term
so until next time


Adriana said...

have fun in scotland and congrads for beating emery!

the agony aunt gone wrgong

Scandal Press Editor in Chief said...

wrgong? thats definately gone wrong

Harsh Reality said...

Disappointments as Manchester House messes up and loses to every1 else **sob** despite my efforts

Adriana said...

does someone want to write my german exam for me tomorrow? ...hmm my maths exam on friday is oppen for anyone who wants to write that one too ...and now that I think about it, so long as you're at it you might as well write my french exam on monday and my comp. sci. one on tuesday not to mention the history, physiks and god knows what other exams!!!!

I know I've said so before but my teahcers are butshering me here!!! cmon!! this is my first week back in school for about a month and they have to smother me with exams?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

talk about something going wrgong!!

**the agony aunt gone wrgong/wrong is loosing it!**

clarkey said...

ah pity the only truely amazing climber school has ever produced (i.e me) has left.
I would have kicked your arse. basically i would have cheated.

Scotty said...

Loving your scandalous reports and searches for all things unfounded and pointless! Keep up the good work and I'll be giving you that raise you've never wanted!

President of the SP

Adriana said...

hey! who said I dont want a raise? ;p

Adriana said...

the agony aunt gone wrgongsays:
now what is this?!!! it's the 25th of october (tuesday) and there's still no monday issue!!!!!!!!!! you're doing worse to this sites name than schumi is to mine!!!!! ;)

Harsh Reality said...

I made it clear that i was in Scotland for the week, guessing ppl would understand that I won't be able to post something that week

Adriana said...

and you think the agony aunt gone wrong would care? tiks tisk (cmon I'm just pulling your leg)