One Great Friend
Answers to the names 'Scott' or 'Scotty'
There have been many sightings, but he has proved illusive to catch so far.
Please help us.
"We are lost, lost in a world without out good friend Mr Scott Jones." Mr P. J. Clarke
Answers to the names 'Scott' or 'Scotty'
There have been many sightings, but he has proved illusive to catch so far.
Please help us.
"We are lost, lost in a world without out good friend Mr Scott Jones." Mr P. J. Clarke
Habits include late night walks round Ladybridge with his friends and drinking coffee with his friends whilst having a chat.
It is out of his character to be gone for so long without hearing from him, and we fear for his safety.
A reward will be given to the person or persons who help with our dear friend's return.
Please help us.
Chris, James, Paul and Rick
It is out of his character to be gone for so long without hearing from him, and we fear for his safety.
A reward will be given to the person or persons who help with our dear friend's return.
Please help us.
Chris, James, Paul and Rick
for further information please see my published works.
Your published works?
I must admitt, now that you mention it I've not been hearing from scotty (or scott) for a while now. there has been an inckle scottie writing to me though ...do you think this is a copy cat?
good luck with the search
"wanted dead ...or alive?" << from freya
We want him very much alive. If he is dead, we'd like to know. But, as we think he's very much alive, we want him caught and brought to us alive. Do NOT kill him in the chase. It wouldn't bepleasant anyway!
Please people, help us find him! His beloved Wanderers are playing a European game midweek and it would be terrible for him to miss it on a game i'm sure he would love to go to! Whoever has taken him away from us, we will give you Ricks food from the next week if you just bring him back safely to us!
O my gosh!!! look at this people!! I found jame's twin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear I though it was actually james when I saw it in smal! ...infact I'm still not all that sure it's not him! can we have some third party say for definate who it is? ;p
Sole employee here...I'm back *looks around*
Where did everyone go?
Why does James have a twin?
*shudders again*
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